Sunday, May 6, 2012

A New Road

A New Road
This will probably be my last post.  I am walking a new road, a good road, a road leading to freedom.  I am not perfect but I am learning that was part of my problem.  I mess up from time to time, but I am staying on the road and finding more and more freedom everyday.  All glory to Jesus.  He is big enough to conquer any strong hold.  He is big enough and loves us enough to accomplish this.  I like this journey.  It is hard, but I am walking it.  Thank you Jesus for caring enough about me to carry me down this path.  I had one special person growing up that was my cheerleader.  That person was always in my corner, always had my back, was always there for me.  That person eventually left my life, and I was absolutely devastated.  I had placed all my hope on him.  I am finding hope can only be found in the person of Jesus Christ.  He will never leave us.  He will never disappoint.  He is eternal love....and we can experience His love for all eternity.  I pray that for each of you reading this blog that you will realize how great the love of the Lord is and that you too will come to experience Him as your Lord and Savior.  He is good.